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코첼라 밸리 뮤직 앤 아츠 페스티벌(코첼라)'에 블랙핑크 헤드라이너 낙점


by 2영하 2023. 4. 13. 05:33



코첼라 페스티벌


1, 2부 둘째 날인 15일과 22일(현지 시간)에 출연
유튜브 생방송 시청 가능


※코첼라:북미 지역을 대표하는 음악 페스티벌 중 하나로, 미국 캘리포니아주 콜로라도 사막의 코첼라 밸리에서 열린다.
2023년 올해 공연은 오는 14·15·16일, 21·22·23일(현지 시간) 2부에 걸쳐 진행된다. 국내 기준으로는 15·16·17일. 22·23·24일에 개최

■ 올해의 헤드라이너(대표 출연자)

라틴 팝 가수 '배드 버니'
K팝 걸그룹 블랙핑크, 아시아 출신 최초의 헤드라이너
싱어송라이터 '프랭크 오션'

■ 유튜브 방송일정

코첼라 1부 유튜브 실시간 중계는 국내 시간으로 16일 오후 13시에 시작.
2부 중계는 국내 기준 23일 오후 13시에 시작.

코첼라 유튜브 채널 바로가기

위 링크 클릭하시면 유튜브 생방송 시청 가능합니다. 블핑 뚜두뚜두 시청했네요^^

코첼라 공연 16일 일정

블랙핑크 Kill This Love

Kill This Love MV


This year's Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (Coachella) is just around the corner. YouTube will exclusively broadcast all performances in six stages. The expectations of music fans around the world are rising.

Coachella is one of the representative music festivals in North America, held in the Coachella Valley in the Colorado Desert, California, United States. This year's performance will be held in two parts on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd (local time). In Korea, it is 15th, 16th, and 17th. 22nd, 23rd, and 24th.

The first part of Coachella's YouTube live broadcast will begin at 4 p.m. on Friday, the 14th (local time, Pacific Standard Time) and at 8 a.m. on Saturday, the 15th in Korea. Likewise, the second part of the broadcast will begin at 4 p.m. on Friday, the 21st (local time, Pacific Standard Time) and at 8 a.m. on the 22nd in Korea.

The broadcast can be viewed through Coachella's official YouTube channel or YouTube music app. The performance broadcast video on a specific date is repeatedly played until the start of the performance the next day.

This year's headliners are Latin pop singer 'Bad Bunny', K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, and singer-songwriter 'Frank Ocean'. BLACKPINK will appear on the second day of the first and second parts on the 15th and 22nd (local time). This is the first time that an Asian artist has been selected as a Coachella headliner.

Online viewers will be provided with live chat, shopping services, and various shorts-only contents, and on-site reports on artists and stages are expected to be delivered between the performance sets.

In particular, YouTube expressed its ambition to "share every moment of Coachella with fans around the world using shorts."

For example, fans can participate in the process of selecting a list of performance songs by artists Calvin Harris, Becky G, and Borna Boy through the shorts, and also see BLACKPINK's stage preparation process.

In addition to artists, a number of creators, including "Alan Chicken Chow," "Lexy Hensler," and "Benoff the Town," will deliver vivid on-site situations through exclusive shorts content.

Meanwhile, Coachella consists of a total of six venues, including Coachella Stage, Outdoor Theater, Sahara, Mojave, Gobi, and Sonora. The performance of the headliner takes place at Coachella Stage. Viewers can choose the concert hall they want and watch the performance in real time.


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