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임영웅 미담


by 2영하 2023. 3. 22. 00:05



이름도 영웅, 행동도 영웅, 영웅답다

가수 임영웅의 미담이 훈훈함을 자아내고 있다.

■ 임영웅/가지마


임영웅은 “뉴스에서 그런 소식을 들으면 ‘어떻게 그 상황에 그런 판단을 할까. 나라면 못할 텐데 정말 대단하다’ 생각했었다. 그런데 막상 내 앞에서 그런 상황이 벌어지니, 저도 배운 대로 하게 되더라”며 “뭔가 생각한 게 아니고, 나도 모르게 하게 됐다. 위급한 상황이라 판단해 119에 신고하고 조치를 취했다”고 상황을 설명한 바 있다.


■ Article

Singer Lim Young-woong's endless stories are generating warmth.

On the 20th, PD Kwon Jae-young of the YouTube channel "PD Kwon's Beautiful Speech" released Lim Young-woong's story through a video. In the video, producer Kwon said, "Lim Young-woong did not receive a performance fee from KBS' year-end special 'We Are Hero'," adding, "Lim Young-woong asked the staff who were struggling to make this stage and to make it well." He said he was satisfied with presenting a good performance to the viewers.

Lim Young-woong's warm good deed is not the only one. In January last year, it was reported that he witnessed a traffic accident near Banpo Bridge in Seoul and reported it directly to 119 rescue teams. In addition, it was applauded by Internet users for helping rescue by performing CPR for the first time to a driver who lost consciousness.

At the time, Lim Young-woong said, "When I hear such news on the news, how can I make such a judgment in the situation?" I wouldn't be able to do it, but it's really amazing.' But when that situation happened in front of me, I ended up doing what I learned, he said. "I didn't think of anything, and I did it without realizing it." "We decided that it was an emergency situation, so we reported it to 119 and took action," he explained.

He is also famous as a 'donation angel' who has consistently practiced donations. In March last year, he donated 100 million won to help victims suffering from large forest fires such as Uljin in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Samcheok in Gangwon-do, and donated 200 million won to the fruit of love in the name of the hero era on his birthdays in 2021 and 2022. Lim Young-woong's fandom hero era has also donated several times.

Lim Young-woong has maintained his hot popularity to this day as he reached the final "Jin" on TV Chosun's "Mr. Trot," which aired in 2020. Outstanding singing skills and steady good deeds. This is why he is loved by the entire nation even though it has been three years since the broadcast ended.


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