싸이월드, 에잇턴 미니홈피 개설
싸이월드, 에잇턴 미니홈피 개설 신인 보이그룹 에잇턴(8TURN)이 싸이월드 미니홈피를 통한 소통에 나선다. Rookie boy group Atton (8TURN) will communicate through Cyworld mini homepage. Cyworld Jet, the operator of Cyworld, announced on the 31st that it has selected Aston as an 'artist to meet in Psy'. CyworldJet has launched the official artist mini homepage of Eighton. If you visit Atton Mini Homepage on the Cyworld app, you can see the m..
2023. 1. 31. 14:32