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by 2영하 2022. 12. 18. 22:56



#Y(Please Tell me Why)/프리스타일

Y(Please Tell me Why)/프리스타일


그룹 프리스타일은 2004년에 정규 3집〈Freestyle +3〉를 발매하였다.
타이틀곡은 한소리가 피쳐링한 '남자들의 세계'였지만,전혀 홍보하지 않았던 수록곡 'Y(Please Tell Me Why)'가 입소문과 싸이월드 미니홈피 BGM으로 대인기를 끌면서 크게 성공을 한다. 이로서 지상파에도 자주 등장하고 중국시장에도 진출해서 돈을 꽤 짭잘하게 벌었다고 한다. 이 곡의 MV에는 배우 이주현과 리포터 전제향이 출연했다. 해당 곡은 방송에서는 서후와 같이 활동을 했기 때문에 서후가 피쳐링한 것으로 잘못 알려져 있지만, 원곡의 피쳐링 가수는 정희경으로 현재 미술 전시 기획자이자 뮤지션으로 활동하고 있다.
The group Freestyle released its third full-length album "Freestyle +3" in 2004.
The title song was "The Men's World" featured by Hansori, but it is very successful as the song "Y (Please Tell Me Why)," which was not promoted at all, gained huge popularity with word of mouth and Cyworld mini-homepage BGM. As a result, it is said that it frequently appeared on terrestrial TV and entered the Chinese market and made quite a lot of money. Actor Lee Joo-hyun and reporter Jeon Je-hyang appeared in the MV of the song. The song is incorrectly known to have been featured by Seo-hoo because he worked with Seo-hoo on the broadcast, but the featured singer of the original song is Jung Hee-kyung, who is currently an art exhibition planner and musician.


My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
지나간 시간들을 모두 다 되돌릴 순 없겠지
하나 둘 쌓여가는 걱정도 모두 내 탓이겠지
하루가 지나고 이틀 아무 의미가 없어
너 없는 이 순간이 내게는 아무 느낌도 없어 Tell Me
Please tell me why 왜 나를 떠나갔어
Please tell me why 사랑하는 나를 두고 Tell me
Please tell me why 내게 다시 돌아와줘
지난 아픈 기억들은 모두 잊고서 우리 다시 시작해 Baby
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
Yo X girlfriend How have you been
어떻게 지내
너도 알겠지 내가 바보같은 남자란걸
무언가를 잃어버린 것처럼 불안해
그 안에 가슴에 구멍이 난 것처럼 허전해 여전해
한번 시작된 눈물은 대체 마르지가 않아
여태 혹시나 마주칠까 니가 자주 걷는 거리를
두리번 두리번 거림을 반복하는 내 모습을 보면
너 때문인걸 My Girl so fun How much of love
너 역시나 나와 함께 갔던 그 곳을 찾아 가는지도 몰라
다시 내게 돌아와줘 My sweet heart
Please tell me why 왜 나를 떠나 갔어
Please tell me why 사랑하는 나를 두고 Tell me
Please tell me why 내게 다시 돌아와줘
지난 아픈 기억들은 모두 잊고서 우리 다시 시작해 Baby
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
난 지금 여기 있는데 널 항상 기다리는데
어떡해야 하는지 되돌릴 순 없는지
다시 내게 돌아와줘

My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I.
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
You can't take all the time back
I'm sure I'm responsible for all the worries that are building up one by one
A day goes by and two days doesn't
This moment without you doesn't feel anything to me Tell me
Please tell me why, why did you leave me?
Please tell me why, tell me about me you love
Please tell me why, come back to me
Forget all the painful memories and let's start over Baby
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
Yo X girlfriend How have you been
How's it going?
You know I'm a stupid man
I'm nervous as if I've lost something
It feels like there's a hole in my chest. It's still empty
Once you start crying, you can't dry up
Just in case you run into me, the streets you walk on often
When I look around and look around repeatedly,
Because of you My Girl so fun How much of love
Maybe you're looking for the place I went with you, too
Come back to me, my sweet heart
Please tell me why, why did you leave me?
Please tell me why, tell me about me you love
Please tell me why, come back to me
Forget all the painful memories and let's start over Baby
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
I'm here right now, and I'm always waiting for you
I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can I?
Come back to me again
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I
My baby I love you so much forever you and I
I love you oh I love you so much forever you and I.


해당 노래는 내 휴대폰 컬러링으로 설정되어있지만 그당시 싸이월드 배경음악으로 너무나도 선풍적인 인기를 끌었던 노래다.
맨처음 정희경의 꾀꼬리같은 목소리를 들었을때 나는 너무나도 놀랐다. 그야말로 천상의 꾀꼬리가 있다면 이런 목소리가 아닐까 싶다.
물론 중간중간들어가는 랩파트와 가사 그리고 전체적인 멜로디도 조화롭고 완성도 높은곡이라 생각되어진다. 일전에 슈가맨을통해 그들의 목소리를 다시들을수 있어서 너무좋았다. 그때그목소리 그대로였다. 황홀함.
The song was set as my cell phone's coloring, but it was very popular as Cyworld background music at that time.
When I first heard Jeong Hee-kyung's voice, If there is a heavenly nightingale, I think it would be this voice.
Of course, the rap part, lyrics, and overall melody that go in between are considered to be harmonious and high-quality. It was great to hear their voices again through Sugar Man the other day. The voice was the same at that time. ecstasy.



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