상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

23년 2월3일 신곡 PART 1


by 2영하 2023. 2. 3. 14:52




#23 February 3rd. New song.

1. 한경일/너를 그리는 나는
2. 하진우/내 사람이죠
3. 234/사이
4. 윤태화/다시 또
5. 이희상/천년지애
6. 어바웃/Unstoppable
7. 조성진/Handle Suit No. 2 HWV427 III


1. 한경일/너를 그리는 나는

영상/한경일/너를 그리는 나는

2. 하진우/내 사람이죠

영상/하진우/내 사람이죠

3. 234/사이


4. 윤태화/다시 또

영상/윤태화/다시 또

5. 이희상/천년지애


6. 어바웃/Unstoppable


7. 조성진/Handle Suit No. 2 HWV427 III

영상/조성진/Handle Suit No. 2 HWV427 III


■About Cho SungKwan

There is little mr.chi, and it is characterized by strong rubato and transparent yet cold tones. Of course, the more Mr. Chi, the better it is, but since the performer is also a human being, sometimes it comes out, and in a way, that's the beauty of the performance, but Cho Sung-jin really has very few Mr. Chi. It is great to make fewer mistakes, but at the same time, it is a great and surprising ability that the music does not change passively. Although it is a very obvious and cliche expression, he is a performer with a faithful basic skill and amazing application.

The disadvantage that is usually pointed out is that there are times when there is a lack of emotional expression due to the focus on techniques. However, this is a review that is followed by many of the famous Asian performers on the world stage. There is also criticism that this is "the residential influence of the Western classical music industry against non-secretary performers." It is said that this tendency is more blatant in competitions in Europe, although it is less British and American. In particular, the relatively subjective "emotional expression" is an easy excuse to criticize oriental performers, and the Western music industry has no choice but to recognize techniques that reveal their skills relatively objectively. Under these unfavorable conditions, it is urgent for Asian performers to be recognized for their level of not being criticized for their basic skills and other performance techniques. Compared to that, emotional expression ability in performance is a subordinate that can be developed next.

Usually, pianists like recitals because they are a little lonely, but they say they prefer recitals. He said he doesn't like parties because he's uncomfortable with many people, so he's comfortable alone.

Concert programs have been selected by themselves since they were young. However, encore is usually set to 2-3 songs and up to 5 songs, but in his expression, encore is like a dessert, so if you eat too much sweets, it is not good (for the audience), so you avoid playing too many encores.

If there is one thing I want from the audience, I ask them to cover it with a handkerchief and stop coughing. The audience wouldn't be able to hear it, would they?And when the music gets intense, I cough, but it sounds louder.

Perhaps because he is the winner of the Chopin Competition, he is remembered by many fans in connection with Chopin. One of his nicknames is "Chopin" (a mixture of Cho's last name and Chopin). But rather than staying as a Chopin specialist, he seems to want to expand his repertoire. Therefore, in 2018, the 100th anniversary of Debussy's death, he increased his performance related to Debussy on records and concerts, and in his 30s, he expressed his intention to challenge Brahms to play.

Regarding the trend of popularization of the classical music industry, he expressed his opinion that "it is more desirable for the classicalization of the public to take place." This means that classical music wants more ordinary music fans to accept and like classical music as it is, rather than forcibly transforming themselves to suit the taste of the public.


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