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#이은미 라이브 투어 ‘녹턴’ 개최


by 2영하 2023. 1. 30. 11:30



#Lee Eun-mi's live tour "Nocturne" will be held

이은미 녹턴 콘서트 포스터

2월 12일 여수 공연을 시작으로 대전, 고양, 원주, 강릉, 부산, 김해, 울산 등
전국 40여개 도시에서
‘2023 이은미 라이브 투어-녹턴’을 개최.


이은미 녹턴 열창 영상

■이은미/애인 있어요

이은미 애인 있어요 열창 영상

"Barefoot Diva" Lee Eun-mi, who released masterpieces such as "Nocturne," "I Have a Lover," "In Memory" and "I'm Breaking Up," will hold "2023 Lee Eun-mi Live Tour-Nocturne" in more than 40 cities across the country, including Daejeon, Goyang, Wonju, Gangneung, Busan, Gimhae and Ulsan, starting with a performance in Yeosu on the 12th of next month.

The concert is the first in four years since the 30yesrs, 1000th Thank You (2019), which was held to mark the 30th anniversary of its debut.

Since Lee Eun-mi debuted as a guest singer of Sinchon Blues in 1989, she has received great response with her first album "Into Memory" and her second album "Some Longing" in 1992. The third album "Free Man" contained explosive rock sounds and released a total of six full-length albums with the fourth album "Beyond Face", the fifth album "Noblesse" and the sixth album "Ma Non Tanto".

In addition, he released four mini-albums and three remake albums, and left a milestone of more than 1,000 performances without a break in the 30 years since his debut.

Reservations for the 2023 Lee Eun-mi live tour concert "Nocturne" are underway at reservation sites such as ticket links, interparks, and Naver reservations.

■ 23년 6월 일정

○ 6월3일 김해
○ 6월10일 전주
○ 6월17일 울산
○ 6월24일 성남
○ 7월1일 찬안

● 하북트진, 2영하


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