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2023년2월10일 신곡 Part.1


by 2영하 2023. 2. 10. 12:37



#2023년2월10일 신곡

February 10, 2023 The new songs.

1. 안아(AnnA)/우리 이대로
2. 정재일/Esthesia
3. 안성훈/인생 뭐 있나
4. SOOVI/Missing You (Feat. Dvwn)
5. DK(디셈버)/낯선 이별
6. Lizzo/Special (feat. SZA)
8. 김정훈/나도 그래
9. damduck/타임머신
10. 야와/활활
11. 후니용이/종천지모 (終天之慕)
12. Aon/CRZY

1. 안아(AnnA)/우리 이대로

안아(AnnA)/우리 이대로

2. 정재일/Esthesia


3. 안성훈/인생 뭐 있나

안성훈/인생 뭐 있나

4. SOOVI/Missing You (Feat. Dvwn)

SOOVI/Missing You (Feat. Dvwn)

5. DK(디셈버)/낯선 이별

DK(디셈버)/낯선 이별

6. Lizzo/Special (feat. SZA)

Lizzo/Special (feat. SZA)



8. 김정훈/나도 그래

김정훈/나도 그래

9. damduck/타임머신


10. 야와/활활


11. 후니용이/종천지모 (終天之慕)

후니용이/종천지모 (終天之慕)

12. Aon/CRZY


■ About SOOVI

It is said that the origin of her stage name was to call her "Soubi" for shortening her name "Soobin." It is also said that it means "defense" in the sense of protecting the things I value, even though I go my own way without attacking or arguing with someone first.

Park Jae-beom said that he is a voice-acting vocalist.

"Make the Move" is said to have been inspired by the push and pull of men and women when they are in a relationship in Korean society. It said, "Don't be self-conscious and come to me."

"ASAP!" is said to have been inspired to write the song while he was doing a buffy test. He plays three characters in the music video, which is said to show various emotions.

"Chained Up in Diamonds" was a vocal standout song, while "Make the Move" was a song with a bouncy mood or beat. In terms of lyrics, the former paid attention to the way he expressed and lyrics because it was about his ideal love, and the latter wrote very straightforwardly instead of writing in various directions according to instant inspiration.


SOOVI는 스페인에서 태어나 이탈리아에서 모든 유년기와 청소년기를 보냈다.
유럽 국가에서의 성장 배경으로 인해 스페인어, 이탈리아어, 영어, 한국어까지 4개국어를 구사하는 것은 물론이고, 다양한 문화 경험을 통해 그녀만의 독특한 감성을 만들어 낸다.


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