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흥겹고 즐거운 노래


by 2영하 2023. 2. 14. 09:07



하찌와 TJ/장사하자

ㆍ하찌의 본명은 카스가 히로후미(春日博文)
ㆍTJ는 조태준


■ 하찌와 TJ/장사하자

하찌와 TJ/장사하자

■ 가사

#작사 : 하찌,조태준
#작곡 : 하찌

장사하자 장사하자 장사하자 먹고 살자
오늘도 방실방실 밝은 대한민국의 하늘

도대체 누구를 믿어야 하나
아무것도 보이지 않는 어둠속에서
지푸라기라도 잡고 싶습니다

장사하자 장사하자 장사하자 먹고 살자
오늘도 방실방실 밝은 대한민국의 하늘

‘그녀만은’이라고 믿고 있었네
이 몸이 마르고 닳도록 벌어 바쳤건만은
어느날 깨어보니 바람이 부네
가벼운 내 지갑이 원망스러워

장사하자 장사하자 장사하자 먹고 살자
오늘도 방실방실 밝은 대한민국의 하늘

아무리 먹고 살잔 짓이라 해도
남의 물건 탐내지 말고 올바르게 살아보자
보람찬 하루일을 끝마치고서
막걸리 한병에다 웃음을 싣자

장사하자 장사하자 장사하자 먹고 살자
오늘도 방실방실 밝은 대한민국의 하늘

장사하자(자! 여러분 다같이) 장사하자(좋습니다)
장사하자(Business) 장사하자(做生意吧) 장사하자
장사하자 장사하자 먹고 살자
오늘도 방실방실 밝은 대한민국의 하늘
(자! 마지막으로 다같이) 장사하자

□ About "Let's do business"

It is included in the first single "Let's do business" (2006) by the two-member band Hachi and TJ.

Hachi is Japanese. His real name is Hirofumi Kasuga. Born in 1954, he is a guitarist who debuted in Japan in 1974, and he likes Korea and speaks Korean very well. TJ is Cho Taejoon. Article

It was also performed at the Pentaport Rock Festival in Songdo, Incheon on July 29, 2006.

It's a song with a bright and cheerful rhythm, but the lyrics are a gutter. As shown in the music video, it is about a person who is suffering from a private moneylender because he/she became a dog's hair in a day due to a wrong guarantee, and a woman who ran away at night and lost money (Verse 2). However, the third verse says to live with hope, so it may not be just a gutter...

It is secretly known on the Internet because DC Inside's humor-related galleries often put this song as the background music for posts related to business and commerce. In particular, if you open a post about Lee Jang-seok of the Kiwoom Heroes, who sold the team's pillar roots to other teams in the early days of its foundation, you could hear it with a 99.9% probability. It is one of the posts that a user named "Hero Teacher" posted a conceptual post with a "voice ripple" (with variation) of high quality. Since then, it has been used as a background music when posting articles on Chang-ryeol, excessive businessmanship, and capitalism. On June 9, 2014, he sold the ace of a domestic soccer team without any countermeasures, and it is also spreading to the soccer team.

Of course, most of the cases are that they have heard the song but do not know about the band Hachi and TJ, which are similar to Kang Byung-chul and Sam Tae-gi's "joy of fishing grounds" in the background of fishing articles.

In Namuwiki, this document often links the contents of real business or filling the business.

The melody is similar to MBC's Korean outing logo song. Let's do business. Let's make a living. Korean language outing again today.

There is a parody version of League of Legends, Carrie Haja. Evelyn, the portal gang, also gives red.

The Seven Knights' Heroism Chart [1] also appears. Let's sell it.

Cho Tae-joon appeared on the show on September 8, 2013, on two days and one night.

It is also used as an opening song for Channel A's program called Rich People.

It is listed as 69888 by Geumyoung Entertainment and 10632 by TJ Media.

It was once used as background music in a broadcast by the Korea Educational Broadcasting Corporation, which set up a convenience store called live broadcast Pandada.


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