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#가수 벤, 딸 엄마 됐다


by 2영하 2023. 2. 2. 12:53




#가수 벤, 딸 엄마 됐다

벤,2일 자신의 SNS를 통해 "천사가 태어났다. 정말 작고 귀엽고 소중한 존재"


벤/스케치북 출연영상

이욱 이사장과 결혼 3년 만에 출산의 기쁨을 안았다.


"I can't believe I've become a mother of a child, and I'm spending each day with happiness and overwhelming heart that can't be exchanged for anything," Ben said.

In particular, Ben said, "I feel like I'm learning the process of becoming an adult through childbirth, and I feel responsible for doing anything hard."

In addition, he said, "I would like to thank everyone who prayed and helped me to have a safe delivery," adding, "I will recover well and come back." "I will pray that only happy things will happen in 2023," he said.

Earlier in the day, Ben directly delivered the news to fans on the 1st through his channel. He said, "An angel was born. After giving birth to a baby, I cried my eyes out for the first time while recovering alone. Above all, I was grateful that my child was born healthy and well," he said.

Ben married Lee Wook, chairman of the W Foundation, in 2020 and reported his pregnancy in July last year. In addition, he has recently expired his exclusive contract with Major Nine for 13 years.


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