#베이비몬스터 Predebut
ㆍ베이비몬스터 하람(HARAM)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 아현(AHYEON)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 치키타(CHIQUITA)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 아사(ASA)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 로라(RORA)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 파리타(PHARITA)
ㆍ베이비몬스터 루카(RUKA)
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YG엔터테인먼트는 오는 1월 23일 공식 블로그를 통해 ‘BABYMONSTER (#3) - CHIQUITA (Live Performance)’ 를 게재했다. 하람, 아현에 이어 개인 무대를 선보이게 된 치키타는 JJ Lin(임준걸)의 ‘Bedroom (Feat. Anne-Marie)’ 을 자신만의 색깔로 재해석해 나이(13세)에 걸맞지 않은 뛰어난 음색과 감성 표현을 잘 보여줬다.
■Introduce the 3rd member of Baby Monster.
YG's next-generation girl group Baby Monster has released a live vocal video of its third member Chikita.
YG Entertainment posted 'BABYMONSTER (#3) - CHIQUITA (Live Performance)' on its official blog on the 23rd. Chikita, who presented her solo stage following Haram and Ah-hyun, reinterpreted JJ Lin's (Lim Joon-gul)'s "Bedroom (Feat. Anne-Marie)" in her own color.
Chikita is 13 years old and is the youngest trainee ever released. After the breakup, he digested complex and subtle emotions with rich tones and boasted extraordinary expressiveness even at a young age. On top of that, he used a technique that freely moves between falsetto and authenticity.
Baby Monster is a multinational new girl group announced by YG about seven years after BLACKPINK, and consists mostly of teenagers. General producer Yang Hyun-suk appeared in three and a half years and announced their debut in person.
Baby Monster's global buzz has already been proved by objective indicators. The number of subscribers to the official YouTube channel exceeded 600,000 and the combined number of views quickly surpassed 60 million.