#잘부탁드립니다 / 익스 / I look forward to your kind cooperation
#잘부탁드립니다 / 익스 / I look forward to your kind cooperation
익스(Ex)는 대학가요제 출신의 혼성 밴드이다. 당시 경북대학교 등에 재학 중이었던 이상미(리드보컬), 방지연(베이스), 공영준(드럼)으로 구성된 그룹이다.
1. Introduction
Ex is a mixed band from the College Song Festival. It is a group consisting of Lee Sang-mi (lead vocalist), Bang Ji-yeon (base), and Gong Young-joon (drums), who were attending Kyungpook National University at the time.
안녕하세요 적당히 바람이 시원해
기분이 너무 좋아요 유후
끝내줬어요 긴장한 탓에
엉뚱한 얘기만 늘어놓았죠 바보같이
한잔 했어요 속상한 마음
조금 달래려고 나 이뻐요? 히
기분이 좋아요 앗싸 알딸딸한 게
완전 좋아요 몰라요
이 정도로 나왔어도 즐겁잖아요
한번의 실수쯤은 눈감아 줄 수는 없나요
나나나나나나나나 노래나 할까요
더 잘 할 수 있었는데 It's a beautiful day
좀 쌀쌀하네요 차가운 바람이
휙 가슴을 쓰네요 아프게
걱정은 안해요 이젠 익숙해질 때도 되버린거죠
한두 번도 아닌데
울어도 되나요 가끔은 혼자
펑펑 울고 털고 싶어요 어허허
이젠 괜찮아요 딱 한잔만 더 할께요
잘 부탁드립니다
이 정도로 나왔어도 즐겁잖아요
한 번의 실수쯤은 눈감아 줄 수는 없나요
나나나나나나나나 노래나 할까요
더 잘 할 수 있었는데 It's a beautiful day
안녕히 계세요
지금까지 제 얘길 들어줘
정말 고마워요
잘 부탁드립니다
2. The lyrics
Hello, the wind is cool enough
I feel so good yoo-hoo
It was awesome because I was nervous
We talked about the wrong things like a fool
I had a drink. I was upset
I'm trying to calm you down. Am I pretty? He
I'm so happy. My skin is so dry
I love it. I don't know
It's fun even if it came out this much
Can't you overlook a single mistake?
Nananananananana Let's just sing a song?
I could have done better It's a beautiful day
It's a bit chilly. The cold wind
He's using his chest in pain
I don't worry. It's time to get used to it
Not once or twice
Can I cry by myself sometimes?
I want to cry and shake it off Oh, my
I'm fine. I'll have one more drink
I look forward to your kind cooperation.
It's fun even if it came out this much
Can't you overlook a single mistake?
Nananananananana Let's just sing a song?
I could have done better It's a beautiful day
Listen to me until now
Thank you so much
I look forward to your kind cooperation.
외모적으로나 목소리나 창법 모두 매력적이다.
노래를 갖고논다라는 표현이 맞는거같다. 박자와 가사간의 템포 목소리에 힘을 주지않고도 시원하고 청량감을 주는 매력적인 보이스와 위트를 가진 보컬이다.
Both appearance, voice and singing style are attractive.
I think the expression "playing with songs" is right. It is a vocal with an attractive voice and wit that gives a cool and refreshing feeling without applying strength to the tempo voice between the beat and the lyrics.
