변진섭 발라드 황제 계보를 이은 둘리? 히트곡 모음
변진섭 노래모음

1. 너에게로 또다시
2. 새들처럼
3. 홀로 된다는 것
4. 희망사항
5. 그대 내게 다시
6. 네게 줄 수 있는건 오직 사랑뿐
7. 숙녀에게
이문세의 뒤를 이은 케이팝의 신화적인 존재인듯 합니다. 다양한 장르의 음악을 선보이며 대한민국 음악계를 주름잡았던 인물로 평가됩니다. 귀여운 외모로 아기 공룡 둘리 라는 별명이 있습니다.
1. 너에게로 또다시
□ 가사
#작사 박주연
#작곡 하광훈
그 얼마나 오랜 시간을 짙은 어둠에서 서성거렸나
내 마음을 닫아 둔채로 헤매이다 흘러간 시간
잊고 싶던 모든 일들은 때론 잊은 듯이 생각됐지만
고개 저어도 떠오르는건 나를 보던 젖은 그 얼굴
아무런 말없이 떠나버려도 때로는 모진 말로 멍들이며 울려도 내 깊은 방황을 변함없이 따뜻한 눈으로 지켜보던 너
너에게로 또다시 돌아오기까지가 왜 이리 힘들었을까
이제 나는 알았어 내가 죽는날까지 널 떠날 수 없다는 걸
아무런 말없이 떠나버려도 때로는 모진 말로 멍들이며 울려도 내 깊은 방황을 변함없이 따뜻한 눈으로 지켜보던 너
너에게로 또다시 돌아오기까지가 왜 이리 힘들었을까
이제 나는 알았어 내가 죽는날까지 널 떠날 수 없다는 걸
2. 새들처럼
□ 가사
#작사ㆍ작곡 지근식
열린공간 속을 가르며 달려가는 자동차와
석양에 비추인 사람들
어둠은 내려와 도시를 감싸고 나는 노래하네
눈을떠보면 회색빛 빌딩사이로 보이는 내모습이
퍼붓는 소나기 새찬 바람맞고 거리를 해메이네
무거운 하늘 희뿌연 연기사이로 보이는 아스팔트
답답한 도시를 떠나고 싶어도 나는 갈수없네
날아가는 새를 바라보면 나도따라 날아 가고싶어
파란하늘 아래서 자유롭게 나도 따라 가고 싶어
눈을떠보면 회색빛 빌딩사이로 보이는 내모습이
퍼붓는 소나기 새찬바람맞고 거리를 헤매 이네
무거운 하늘 희뿌연 연기사이로 보이는 아스팔트
답답한 도시를 떠나고 싶어도 나는 갈 수 없네
날아가는 새를 바라보면 나도따라 날아 가고싶어
파란하늘 아래서 자유롭게 나도 따라 가고 싶어
날아가는 새를 바라보면 나도따라 날아 가고싶어
파란하늘 아래서 자유롭게 나도 따라 가고 싶어
3. 홀로 된다는 것
□ 가사
#작사 지예
#작곡 하광훈
아주 덤덤한 얼굴로 나는 뒤돌아 섰지만
나에 허무한 마음은 가눌 길이 없네
아직 못다한 말들이 내게 남겨져있지만
아픈 마음에 목이 메어와 아무말 못했네
지난 날들을 되새기며 수많은 추억을 헤이며
길고 긴밤을 세워야지 나의 외로움 달래야지
이별은 두렵지 않아 눈물은 참을수 있어
하지만 홀로된다는 것이 나를 슬프게 해
지난 날들을 되새기며 수많은 추억을 헤이며
길고 긴밤을 세워야지 나의 외로움 달래야지
이별은 두렵지 않아 눈물은 참을수 있어
하지만 홀로된다는 것이 나를 슬프게 해
4. 희망사항
□ 가사
#작사ㆍ작곡 노영심
청바지가 잘 어울리는 여자
밥을 많이 먹어도 배 안나오는 여자
내 얘기가 재미 없어도 웃어주는 여자
난 그런 여자가 좋더라
머리에 무스를 바르지 않아도 윤기가 흐르는 여자
내 고요한 눈빛을 보면서 시력을 맞추는 여자
김치 볶음밥을 잘 만드는 여자
웃을때 목젖이 보이는 여자
내가 돈이 없을 때에도 마음 편하게 만날 수 있는 여자
멋내지 않아도 멋이 나는 여자
껌을 씹어도 소리가 안나는 여자
뚱뚱해도 다리가 예뻐서 짧은 치마가 어울리는 여자
내가 울적하고 속이 상할때
그저 바라만 봐도 위로가 되는 여자
나를 만난 이후로 미팅을 한번도 한번도 안한 여자
난 그런 여자가 좋더라 난 그런 여자가 좋더라
여보세요 날 좀 잠깐 보세요
희망사항이 정말 거창하군요
그런 여자한테 너무 잘 어울리는 난 그런 남자가 좋더라
5. 그대 내게 다시
□ 가사
#작사 노영심
#작곡 김형석
그대 내게 다시 돌아오려 하나요
내가 그댈 사랑하는지
알 수 없어 헤매이나요
맨 처음 그때와 같을 순 없겠지만
겨울이 녹아 봄이 되듯이
내게 그냥 오면 돼요
헤어졌던 순간을 긴 밤이라 생각해
그대 향한 내 마음
이렇게도 서성이는데
왜 망설이고 있나요
뒤돌아보지 말아요
우리 헤어졌던 날보다
만날 날이 더욱 서로 많은데
헤어졌던 순간을 긴 밤이라 생각해
그대 향한 내 마음
이렇게도 서성이는데
왜 망설이고 있나요
뒤돌아보지 말아요
우리 헤어졌던 날보다
만날 날이 더욱 서로 많은데
그대 내게 다시 돌아오려 하나요
지금 이대로의 모습으로
내게 그냥 오면 돼요
6. 네게 줄 수 있는건 오직 사랑뿐
□ 가사
#작사ㆍ작곡 지근식
표정없는 세월을 보며
흔들리는 너에게
아무것도 줄 수 없는 내가 미웠어
내가 미웠어
불빛없는 거릴 걸으며
헤매이는 너에게
꽃 한송이 주고 싶어
들녘 해바라기를
새들은 왜 날아가나
바람은 왜 불어오나
내가슴 모두 태워줄수 있는건
오직 사랑뿐 오직 사랑뿐
새들은 왜 날아가나
바람은 왜 불어오나
내가슴 모두 태워줄수 있는건
오직 사랑뿐 오직 사랑뿐
(네게 줄수 있는건 오직 사랑뿐) 사랑뿐
7. 숙녀에게
□ 가사
#작사 박주연
#작곡 하광훈
어쩌면 처음 그땐 시간이 멈춘 듯이
미지의 나라 그곳에서 걸어온 것처럼
가을에 서둘러 온 초겨울 새벽녘에
반가운 눈처럼 그대는 내게로 다가왔죠
그대의 맑은 미소는 내 맘에 꼭 들지만
가끔씩 보이는 우울한 눈빛이 마음에 걸려요
나 그대 아주 작은 일까지 알고 싶지만
어쩐지 그댄 내게 말을 안 해요
허면 그대 잠든 밤 꿈 속으로 찾아가
살며시 얘기 듣고 올래요
그대의 맑은 미소는 내 맘에 꼭 들지만
가끔씩 보이는 우울한 눈빛이 마음에 걸려요
나 그대 아주 작은 일까지 알고 싶지만
어쩐지 그댄 내게 말을 안 해요
허면 그대 잠든 밤 꿈 속으로 찾아가
살며시 얘기 듣고 올래요
나 그대 아주 작은 일까지 알고 싶지만
어쩐지 그댄 내게 말을 안 해요
허면 그대 잠든 밤 꿈 속으로 찾아가
살며시 얘기 듣고 올래요
□ Byun Jin-sub
The legend of Korean ballads, which became Korea's first official million seller who dominated the music industry in the late 1980s. He established Korean traditional ballads and was the first singer to be called a ballad singer.
He started music as a member of the 5th term of Kyung Hee University club Talmud.
In 1987, he made his debut with MBC's rookie song festival 'Our Love Story'.
In 1988, he released his first album, "Being Alone," "It's Too Late," "Like Birds," and "All I Can Give You" topped the charts, gaining huge popularity from his debut album. The album became Korea's first million seller, selling more than 1.8 million copies.# Byun Jin-seop is the first singer to win the Golden Disc Awards' Rookie of the Year and Grand Prize at the same time for his first album, "To Be Alone."# In 1988, he won the rookie award in the men's category with "Being Alone" and in 1989, it was too lateAt that time, he was the first and last singer to win the grand prize with > and the grand prize with his debut album.#
His second album, "To You Again," released in 1989, also won the Golden Disc Awards and won the Grand Prize for the second consecutive year. As an aside, the cover says that it is not the first album, but a solo house. Originally, he did not release an album for the purpose of living because he did not think he would eat as a singer, and after releasing this album, he planned to live as an ordinary person and sing from time to time.
"To You Again," "To You Again," "We Need Our Love," "To You," his second and best work with a double million seller>, "Hope" and "To Lady" topped the charts, and all songs from the album, including "Your Toy Your Doll" and "Laura," topped the charts. In particular, he was known as the crown prince of the next generation ballad after Lee Moon-se, winning first place for six consecutive weeks on the show network and first place in the K-pop Top Ten Golden Cup for five consecutive weeks). The official tally alone has sold more than 2.8 million copies.
At that time, his ransom was at the top, and he declared a break from commercial marketing, including TV advertisements, and focused only on performances. However, according to his story, he was lazy to go to the broadcasting station because he ranked first every week anyway. Since the early 1990s, when Byun Jin-seop decided not to dwell on his popularity but only his own music, the spread of media exploded, and his reputation began to drop sharply compared to his shining appearance in his heyday. Shin Seung-hoon, who was called the emperor of ballads after Byun Jin-seop, who appeared in 1990 as an aside story, gradually moved away from the top popularity due to the emergence of dance singers led by H.O.T, Sechskies, Turbo and god.
Most of the songs are focused on the first and second albums. Being alone in the first album, "All I can give you is love," like birds, it's too late is famous, and in the second album, all the songs were hit, including "To You Again," "To Lady," "Wishful Things," "Laura," and "We Need Our Love." With this much hit song from one album, it is worth being called the most popular singer of the time. Since then, the number of hit songs has decreased, but songs such as "My Love Again" from the fifth album have been frequently remade by juniors.
For reference, "Laura" composed by Yoon Sang, which is included in the second album, is known as a plagiarism of "Jeongyeol" by Yuki.
The third album, which was released in the second half of 1990, had excellent completeness of the album itself and sold more than 2 million copies, but it is relatively boring because of the monster force's second album. The public's expectations for the big hit of the second album were high, so despite the completeness of the third album, it was not enough to receive as much response as the previous one. The third album also leaves a million-seller record, and Byun Jin-seop's million-seller album has a total of three. The follow-up songs "Some Breakup" and "When I Hate Because I Hate You" were also ordinary hits, and other songs such as "Your Own Self" and "Winter in My Dream" were known, but overall, they are said to be lagging behind the previous work.
In 1991, seeking a musical transition, the title song of the fourth album is "Why I'm With You" composed by Shim Sang-won, but it makes an unconventional attempt to fill most of the rest of the songs with songs received by Kim Soo-chul. It is a song with different sensibilities such as rock, blues, and folk, and the concept is to seek a musical turning point rather than popularity.
In 1992, this concept continued in the fifth album, and at the time, the new composer Kim Hyung-seok's <You, Again> was released as the title, which succeeded in regaining his former reputation, while half of the album was composed of songs received from Cho Kyu-chan. He made it clear that he would not dwell on popularity with music that stands out with sensitivity and novelty. "You Again" was first released as a track by Lim Hyung-soon, the lead vocalist of the band's five fingers, in the first half of 1991, but went to Byun Jin-seop and saw the light.
The title song of the sixth album in 1994 "The Day You Come" is a calm progression with an arrangement consisting of an acoustic guitar and no particularly stimulating chorus, but it also receives public response and confirms his unwavering presence. However, it was too late for Byun Jin-seop to enjoy the same glory as in the past as monsters such as Seo Tae-ji, Boys, Kim Gun-mo, Shin Seung-hoon, Lee Seung-hwan, Lula, N.EX.T, Gong Il-obi, Deuce, and Noise formed the Spring and Autumn War, focusing on genres such as dance music, reggae and hip-hop.
Still, he continues his steady activities by releasing a full-length album almost every two years, producing at least one hit song. Still, people only remember the first and second albums when they were so powerful, so they often don't even know if he is a singer unless they are especially a fan of Byun Jin-seop. So, I appeared on Knee Poke and shared my concerns, "People know that I've been off as a singer for a long time."[19]
Among his representative songs, "Like Birds" or "We Need Our Love" are songs that give hope, so they often appear as BGM in videos to help the needy at the end of the year. Magical's BGM "Hopeful Things" also comes out often when stories related to love come out on the radio even though it has been more than 20 years since it was released. It was also known to the public thanks to Noh Young-shim, a composer and pianist who only enthusiasts knew at the time, featuring in "Hopeful Things."
He also had an excellent eye for talent. Even in the early days, composers who were almost unknown, Joo Young-hoon, Lee Kyung-seop, Yoon Il-sang, and turned out to be in a coma early on and worked on music with them. Even on SBS Archive K broadcast, he revealed himself that his second album was originally supposed to work with Yoo Jae-ha, a rookie who began to be known as a genius among musicians at the time.